Report on professional transitions via CIF in France
Each year, approximately 40,000 people benefit from CIF or Individual Leave of Training. This training, lasting 10 months, allows the beneficiaries to train for a retraining, a new job or a start-up.
See below a report published jointly by the Observatoire des Transitions Professionnelles and the FPSPP (Fonds Paritaire de Securisation des parcours professionnels) on the CIF system.
Why the CIF ?
According to the report of the Observatory of professional transitions, 78% of employees who engage in a training program via the CIF aim for a professional retraining. It is mainly workers in the field of commerce who aspire to practice another trade (98% of cases). A quarter wish to train for safety, that is to say to anticipate a possible loss of employment.
What types of training?
80% of the training courses are mainly distributed in 20 main areas, including health, social work, transport and handling, secretarial work, accounting, agri-food …
A very high success rate
One year after the CIF training, 93% of the beneficiaries were able to access the certification they were looking for. 76% of those who had held a fixed-term contract or pre-training job were able to find a job. 47% of the beneficiaries were able to fulfill their vocational retraining wishes. 90% of people found an improvement in their working conditions in their new position.
What about abandonment?
One year after the training, 17% of the beneficiaries eventually abandoned their professional transition project. They are not unemployed. 86% of them still work. 67% returned to their former posts. 19% received a new job. Only 14% are unemployed.