Practical guide published for HR managers in France

To support public employers and help them maximize their recruitment through apprenticeship contracts, the Ministry of Public Action and Accounts has published the 2017 edition of its Practical Guide for the use of Human Resources .
Find updated answers in the practical guide to learning
Published by the Directorate General of Administration and Public Service, employers will find in this new edition all the rules of management and procedures for setting up apprenticeship contracts. They will find relevant information that will enable them to better understand the specificities of learning in the public sector. In this way, they will have a better knowledge of the evolution of the regulatory framework in order to favor in the long term the recruitment of young graduates who wish to enter the professional world. It is also an excellent way to generalize recruitment by apprenticeship contract in the public sector.
Legal nature of the apprenticeship contract
In the case of recruitment by apprenticeship contract, the employer is obliged to provide a methodical and comprehensive vocational training to a young worker in addition to paying him his salary. This training is provided both within the company itself and in the CFA or Apprenticeship Training Center. It can also be done at another training institution. The apprentice is obliged to work on behalf of his employer throughout the duration of the contract while following the training given in CFA and in company.
The rules governing the apprenticeship contract
In order for the apprentice to be eligible for recruitment by apprenticeship contract, he must be between 16 and 26 years of age. Once he signs the contract, he takes advantage of the general social security scheme and the supplementary pension scheme for non-permanent staff of local and regional authorities. He will be released from the CSG and the CRDS, but will have to pay the personal account for the prevention of the pain.