Pole-Emploi Survey on the need for workers in France in 2017
Each year, Pôle Emploi carries out a survey called “Labor Needs” to assess the recruitment needs of French companies.
This year, the study was based on 1.9 million recruitment projects. The results allow to know the recruitment needs for each branch of activity and employment area of the territory.
An essential tool for better understanding of the labor market
The Labor Force Survey is an effective way to help jobseekers turn to sectors or training that match labor market needs. It also informs them about the evolution of the latter and makes it possible to anticipate the different recruitment difficulties.
For businesses, it helps to have a clear vision of the situation of the labor market and shortage occupations in which they can know recruitment difficulties due to increased demand for labor in certain sectors activity.
The most wanted jobs
The results of the Pôle Emploi survey, trades winemakers and growers employees are the most represented in recruitment projects, followed by those of local and server maintenance worker in restaurants cafes .The field of catering also recruits massively through positions as versatile employees or kitchen helpers.
As far as seasonal employment is concerned, the trades of premises, housekeepers and kitchen apprentices are at the top of the list. Seasonal positions in the field of informatics such as study executives and IT project managers are also highly sought after by recruiters.
Difficult trades
According to the Manpower Needs Survey, some occupations face particularly difficult recruitment. This is the case of the trade of trimmer, carpenter or auto bodybuilder. On the contrary, the trades as transport controller, cashier or technicians of the bank are the least difficult.