Assessment of Agefiph vocational training for 2016

Over the course of 2016, Agefiph spent more than € 119 million on training disabled people in France. The percentage of direct employment for persons with disabilities continues to increase by an average of 0.1% every year. The rate of disabled workers employed by companies reached 3.3%  in 2014 but this figure is still far from the 6% required under legal obligations.


Even though these results are encouraging, they are still lower than the obligation on companies to employ 6% of people with disabilities. The president of Agefiph, Anne Baltazar, was at pains to underline this point during her presentation of the organization’s 2016 activity report.


Interpreting the statistics

In terms of pure numbers, there has been a notable increase in the number of persons officially recognized as being disabled, with the number of registered disabled people having increased by 500,000 over the last four years. This quota reached 2.7 million in 2016 and statistics show that 938,000 of them are employed. In budgetary terms, Agefiph have revealed a growth of 0.7% over the year, giving a total of 404.5 million euros. In total, the net spend was calculated to be € 450.2 million, broken down as follows:


  • 402.7 million spent on intervention expenditure
  • 475.5 million spent on in-house operations


The latest financial results were worrying for Agefiph since the collection quota is not expected to increase while, with reference to the amount of financing, the financial reserves are forecast to be exhausted by the end of 2017. The general manager of the structure, Didier Eyssartier, goes further by stating that Agefiph would then only be able to continue operating for three months. A survey conducted by the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) and the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS) will be undertaken to determine the new operating procedures for Agefiph. These measures will do little to prevent public debate on the future of Agefiph as the group and the public at large seek to review the way the structure works.


Changes are therefore expected to be announced as Agefiph strives to find the optimal structures and procedures to deliver on its aims.